First of all.. the exam results came out today. So, i got second. It's actually no big deal, but to tell the truth, dissapointment sure set in. If not, i can be said as inhuman already.. haha. That's because, after putting in much efforts, with nights of insufficent sleep, i would hope for the best in the exam. I'm sure everyone has the same feelings too, right?
Well, this is the first situation..
Next one, My dog passed away already. Another one in four months time. Boo Hoo Hoo!!!!!
Cathay, Johor, Rain and now, Siang Siang.
However, i should know that it's about time for Siang Siang to go already.. Its very old already. About 15 years, but for dogs, you have to multiply by 7 to get their actual age.. right?
By the time i reached my aunt's house after i came back from school, i saw Siang Siang lying on the floor, with newspaper covering it. Before that, Second aunt told me and my sister about its departure at midday.
What hurted my heart most was when my aunt describe the moments before it 'leave'. It was like crying out... was it in pain? Poor thing.. Luckily i was in school at that time, otherwise i would break down in an 'ocean' full of tears..
Again, i know that another one of my beloved dogs is now in a place where there is no more sufferings and pains... another one sob, sob...
Looking at it lying on the floor, not moving, not even breathing, a mixture of 'who knows what' feelings feel up every possible space in my heart.
After violin lesson, i went to take a nap. Guess what? I dreamt of Siang Siang. When i woke up, i found that i was sweating and my eyes were wet. Was i crying? oooo.. i did not know.
Thats it, what an indescribable day....
But anyway, Thank God... for giving me this day..

Life is full of challenges,
it may be difficult sometimes,
and sometimes you may want to end it as soon as possible;
however we have to know that,
we were given a chance to live on this earth,
not for as long as we want,
but God decides when we will leave this beautiful place,
it is not up to us to decide,
who will live longer,
just because we like them;
or who will leave sooner,
just because we dislike them;
We have to accept whatever the results or the outcomes are,
Not blaming who and who for the unwanted results;
Treat it as a lesson,
where we learn new things,
discover new tricks and strategy to live life the fullest;
Remember that,
life on this earth will end one day,
sooner or later;
therefore, we must live life the fullest,
make it a beautiful memory,
unforgettable, colourful,
and wonderful,
that those who know us will not forget...