Wow there's really quite a lot of "first time" for me yesterday .. ( sounds a bit sua ku)
Yesterday was Tiger's birthday!! Happy Birthday Tiger!!!!!
I have to say that tiger has a very big face... i know what you are thinking, but its not that.... i mean in chinese, "mian zi" because, i actually attended her birthday party at City Square.! I've never attended anyone's birthday party before, so Tiger, you should actually be glad about that.And also that lucky Wei Hong who also celebrated his birthday with Tiger yesterday, because his birthday is also in March..haha.
But on the other hand, i'm not quite fit for partying yesterday. I was not feeling well, and tiredness made me feel worse.
For your information, this is my first time going out with my classmates, without my parents beside me, and its quite scary you know. Plus i felt bad leaving my sister alone at home, while i get to go out and have fun. heehee, but i think she doesn't mind lah. So, no matter how, no matter what, i had to make this a memorable first time outing.
After physics tuition, the four of us, Tiger, Kim, Weng Shan and me, set off to CS. Tiger's mum drove us there. Its my first time going to CS after so many years. Everything in CS feels different to me now. Guess what, Tiger brought along her nephew, which was described as her 'BAG'. LOL.We went to Macdonalds first, where all the other class mates were waiting. Wow, it was sooooo cold in CS. I regretted for not bringing my jacket. That's why, I hid behind a large Madonalds poster. hahaha.
When everybody arrived, almost everybody, we went to the cinema to buy tickets. Kim was the one who bought the tickets. When she told the guy that she wanted 24 movie tickets, the cashier looked shocked. haha. Maybe this was his first time seeing someone buying so many tickets.

Tiger was shocked and looked happy at the same time when she saw this present.haha. I initially thought that she would bring this Hello Kitty with her into the cinema. But nolah, cos we did not get a ticket for it.
At about 2.30 pm we went to the cinema. This was my first time watching a movie with my classmates. However, you know what, the movie was an indescribable silly movie- The Death Of Ian Stone. Wonder whose idea it was to watch this movie. The ticket costs me RM6 , you know.
When the movie ended, Kimmy was shouting at the other end there, with a high pitched voice "walau-a" who knows how many times. haha. After i got out of the cinema, i followed Warn Ling and EeLeng. We separated with the others as we were going home. I do not know what the others did later.
EeLeng and Warn Ling brought this first timer, that's me, to the bus stop. We went the second floor exit, which led us to the overhead bridge. However, it was raining heavily. So we went back into the building and walk around to kill time. Ee Leng wanted to see her stuff, so we accompanied her. After looking at the things she wanted to, without buying any, we felt that the rain had stopped. So, we went to take a look. Thank God! It had really stopped raining. So, we went to the bus stop, to take a bus. Shifu EeLeng told us that every bus here can bring us home. We boarded the bus with a roof shaped like a house. It's been a long time since i took a public bus. This was my first time after how many years later.There were no more bus conducter to collect money and give out tickets. All i need to do is to put the money into a box beside the driver seat and the ticket will come out from a machine. Amazing!
The bus moved along steadily an the road. The seats were full. There ws this shelfish man who took two seats, one for himself and the other for his stuff. At that time there was this old man who was standing beside our seat and behind the shelfish man. I actually thought of giving up my seat to him, but the three of us were sharing two seats. That's why we couldn't help. There were some kind souls on the bus too. A lady gave her seat to an old lady. And a man did the same too.
When the bus came near SMK Pelangi , Warn Ling got down the bus. When the bus reached Tmn Sri Tebrau, the busstop near Telecom, Ee Leng and I got down the bus. But, it was pouring cats and dogs. We couldn't go home. Lucky me! My sister called on time to ask where am i. So, mummy came and fetch us both home. Blame me for forgetting to bring my umbrella. Boooo!
That's it. My first time experience. Millions thanks to my parents and my aunts for allowing me to attend Tiger's party. heehee.
I did not bring my camera, so i don't have pictures here. haha. I think i will put some hello kitty ones to make tiger jealous. hahahahha
Happy Birthday !!! Tiger.