With mountains high of homeworks, oceans full of homeworks to finish. It seemed quite impossible to finish them in just a day or two, not even when I'm given a month to finish them.
For three days i had been sleeping only at 4am, days of insufficient sleep is driving me crazy....!

With loads of homeworks, i had been feeling very awful lately, indescribable. I can say it's a mixture of guilt and some other things...
So, i had been venting my anger on some other things...
something i always do...
blaming others... hahahahha

I blame the teachers who were like gone mad or nuts already because they were giving endless homework, especially English...!!!
After completing 24 journal entries, and had thought that all is over, who knows our 'respected' teacher had given us another two more essays....
This must be connected to our 'beloved' headmistress who, lately wanted to check our homeworks.. Is she so freeeeee!! If she has so much extra time, why don't she just give some to me????
I am really not my usual self lately, had been talking a lot of nonsense and making a lot of noise, and pouring cold water on others.... haha fun!
Hope that this homework crisis will be over soon, yes, and hopefully asap..!
Otherwise, I really do not know what will happen to me if i continue to have in suficient sleep, not that i'm afraid that i will become a panda, just that my ' spareparts' are going haywire already...

Don't know how to do it? Try! As there's a saying, Don't Worry, Be Happy!
Good Luck to all my classmates who are also going through this Homework Crisis!!
All The Best!!!