Yo! someone complained that i haven't been updating my blog.... hahaha... so, here i am to carry out my job....
Well today started out like any other day would... woke up, ate breakfast, and then sat in front of the computer... staring blankly at it, having not the slightest idea of what to do.... then i suddenly remember that i had to RIP-(Rest In Peace hahahha) some songs from a cd to the mp3 for my aunt... but unfortunately, i only know how to save them into the computer but am ignorant of saving them into the mp3... so, i thought that i will just leave that task to daddy!! hahahhaa
Just then, my driving instructor, gave me call, telling me that there will be driving lessons this afternoon... followed by driving pre-test. OMG!! I wasn't mentally prepared for it yet... on the other hand, i thought why not just give it a Go!! hahaha.... and felt relaxed after that....
Teacher came late... as usual hahahhaa i drove from my house to PLMBerjaya...well not that bad i thought.... hahaha (at least for now.....mipo) hahaha
Praticed parking, going uphill and the 3 point turn.... Boo hoo hoo.... as time ticked by, i started to get nervous..... scared.... worried... Last time i used to tell other people...."fail only mah... won't die wan"... but now.... i just couldn't calm myself down.....I told myself..."you had already come this far, just go on...you can't give up just like that" Deep down i knew that i had no choice but to just keep my 'head skin hard' and go for it!!-Thought of the song GO FOR IT i used to performed together with my fellow band members in primary school-
So, sat at the hall and waited for the examiner to come.... Guess who i saw.... an instructor, whom i saw on the first day i went to Berjaya for KPP lessons and thought that he was fierce and gets angry easily...
This time i said die lah.... it couldn't be so unlucky that he is my examiner.....and i was spot on!! he was.... and this time i really die die die... he summoned me to follow him to a kancil parked a few metres away....n my heart was thumping real hard... i'm gonna DIE!!!! mipo
he gave me the keys to the car and told me to go uphill..... i started the engine....(hands shaking)... because the key won't get into where it should be.... hahaha...(getting incrediblely nervous) ...managed to start the engine... yipeee... thank god....
Was instructed to reverse the car.... (start reversing).... told to stop.... then turn... then UH OH... mati engine...!!!!Apalah..... and my mental state started to deteriorate.... getting too extremely nervous..Examiner got into the car and i was instructed to go uphill.... did as what i was told to do..... went down with some problems there.... i can't remember.... the car slide back a bit i think... but that was bad.... i thought... and i was prepared to fail this test...Haiyo, and the examiner seeemed to sensed that i was nervous.... and he kept asking me what happened to me... which i did not know how to answer him....and the only thought i had in mind was.... when can i get down from this car....OMG!!! What happened to my 'never say die' self, i never give up so easily.... except this time.... mipo... i had a very bad feeling mipo
Next, carried on to do parking...was supposed to reverse at a certain point, but, the sky became so dark that it made me more confused with the situation...saw the tiang but thought that that wasn't the one... so reverse some more... hahahhaha the examiner was like...''eh, what are you doing arh'' -even though he did not say it but i know that was what he was thinking about....hahahaha... the car engine died on me again hahahha
After that, 3 point turn.... that one was the best among the three...hahahah
Lastly, on the road..... he asked me about the 10 things that we as drivers should do before driving.... answered correctly...plus putting them into action.... hahaha Then put the car into reverse gear.... then he told me to release the clutch.. at first i thought i can't release the clutch without stepping on the accelerator....? but i did what he told me.. and guess what? the engine died again.... Apalah!! Start again lah... hahaha Died again.. and start again.... i thought i was going to fail this time...... but then the third time, i didn't care, i stepped a bit of accelerator and miraculously the car moved.. hahaha....
Continued to set off for the B lane.... signal here and there.... change gear..... i was so distracted that i forgot to step on the clutch before i change the gear.... but luckily i remembered soon enough before i made a tremendously big mistake-(breaking the gear)-hahahahhaha
Next, everything was fine... on the way, he told me not to be so nervous, just try my best.... i just nod my head and otherwise... silent hahaha...he's quite good after all not that fierce as what i thought that he would be... hahaha and he had not yell at me after all those silly mistakes i made... hahahaha wah, i think i had seriously mistaken him in the first place... hahaha..my fault ...mipo otherwise i wouldn't be so nervous already... hahaha
Finally, turn back... did not drive throughout the lane B... went back halfway... traffic light was struck by lightning and was currently out of order... again die lah.....normally its hard to drive in this situation.... Why me????..... haha but i managed to made it through with help from the examiner....
Reach our destination safely.... i think my face had became palor.... he wrote some things on a few pieces of paper... chop chop here and there....i was asked to sign here sign there and told me take more driving lessons... and i thought see i told you i would fail.... but.....i did not.... both sections LULUS..... hahahaa thank you so much!!! I felt so relieved but at the same time i was haunted by the thought that 'my lousy driving can also pass wor.... sure or not??' As a matter of fact i didn't felt that happy like how i used to be whe i found out that i had passed an exam those days.... hahahaha
Nevertheless.... i passed my pre-test...the examiner that i once thought to be fierce and ruthless had passed my pre-test... thanks!! hahahha next one would be the JPJ test....more' die die die ' to come... yalah, better not say die anymore, or the engine might 'die' many more times during the JPJ test hahahahah
its an uber long post.... so i should stop now..... hahahha..
God Bless....
Documenting the things i see, the feelings i have and these are the things i would not want to forget
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tea ceremony-cousin Stephen n Ivy

Yo! this is a picture collage i'd done for my cousin-Stephen and his bride, Ivy... nice huh?
This is actually their tea ceremony in JB... They will be holding their wedding in Australia on the 26th this month....too bad, i'm not going... hahaha...mipo
oklah, that's it for this post... just showing off my first time masterpiece!!!
hahahha... beat me lah!!.... mipo
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Well, i am still enjoying my long long holiday..... hahha not working outside, being cooped up in the house to help mum with the housework.... hahaha
Yesterday Ms Chin asked me whether i'm interested to work for a trust fund company.... I thought long and hard, but i rejected, because i'm afraid that i will be very busy after that... Plus, i don't feel well these days, don't know why.. perhaps its the long term confinement at home, i guess....
I'm becoming crazier, thinking of funny ways to answer what other people tell me... hahaha in a way we call it 'sai-ing' people.... hahaha.... Obviously, it's quite rude, i know... but i can't help it...
mipo....I felt bad.. mipo
Again, it'll be another boring day like the rest....
These few days i had been worried about my future, what will i be studying? Which field i would like to get myself involved in?
Albeit i used to say i wanted to be a nurse or doctor, but after a career test done by aunty Joyce, my mind started to fickle a lot.... am i suitable for these kind of job... or should i just change my ambition.... i started to experienced what my friends were experiencing some time ago... perhaps they had found what they want in life, and now its my turn to crack my brains... thinking carefully about my future...
Sometimes i thought why can't we just take things at a step..... why must we plan and why do people keep asking you what you want to be or will be doing in future....?
Now i'm confused.... my head's spinning... currently... inhaled too much chlorine.. i guess... been busy doing something which i should not and need not do... in other words i'm doing something for nothing... mipo... i just don;t want to waste it... anyway its for the experience.... mipo...
I think i should just stop typing anymore, lest i write more craps here.. mipo hahaha mipo
GBU-God Bless U-Bih Jin taught me that...at first i thought it was Go Beat U- hahahha mipo....
Yesterday Ms Chin asked me whether i'm interested to work for a trust fund company.... I thought long and hard, but i rejected, because i'm afraid that i will be very busy after that... Plus, i don't feel well these days, don't know why.. perhaps its the long term confinement at home, i guess....
I'm becoming crazier, thinking of funny ways to answer what other people tell me... hahaha in a way we call it 'sai-ing' people.... hahaha.... Obviously, it's quite rude, i know... but i can't help it...
mipo....I felt bad.. mipo
Again, it'll be another boring day like the rest....
These few days i had been worried about my future, what will i be studying? Which field i would like to get myself involved in?
Albeit i used to say i wanted to be a nurse or doctor, but after a career test done by aunty Joyce, my mind started to fickle a lot.... am i suitable for these kind of job... or should i just change my ambition.... i started to experienced what my friends were experiencing some time ago... perhaps they had found what they want in life, and now its my turn to crack my brains... thinking carefully about my future...
Sometimes i thought why can't we just take things at a step..... why must we plan and why do people keep asking you what you want to be or will be doing in future....?
Now i'm confused.... my head's spinning... currently... inhaled too much chlorine.. i guess... been busy doing something which i should not and need not do... in other words i'm doing something for nothing... mipo... i just don;t want to waste it... anyway its for the experience.... mipo...
I think i should just stop typing anymore, lest i write more craps here.. mipo hahaha mipo
GBU-God Bless U-Bih Jin taught me that...at first i thought it was Go Beat U- hahahha mipo....
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I received a phone call yesterday from my driving instructor, saying that there will be driving lesson today, 11 am. At first, i felt troubled, because i had violin class till 11 am too... but thinking that i could manage, so i say, can... Nobody can predict what will happen in the future, including me!
Woke up quite early this morning... because daddy's going to send me to my aunt's house before he goes for his Honda car servicing appointment. After breakfast, i suddenly had a stomach upset and therefore, i rushed to the toilet.... OMG! I had diarrhoea and followed by and intense gastric pain.... That time i was thinking, how will i make it today whereby i had quite a packed schedule..... So, i prayed, hoping that i will not make another visit to the toilet....
My gastric pain did not get any better..... and i felt so terrible....but i tried to hide my so called sufferings from my aunts... and i made it... hahaha not one of them noticed that i had been acting strangely.... hahaha.. i was so relieved....
However, things did not get better... An hour before violin class, i had to visit the toilet again... i was worried that i will sufer from electrolyte imbalance, resulting in muscle cramps.....
i got ready for violin class... Ms Chin came earlier... and she brought her violin too.... haha This is going to be interesting i thought... hahaha luckily, i made it through... except for the very last few minutes of the class... haha
After that, i waited for the driving instructor to pick me up... haha.. he came late... as i expected..
Slowly, my gastric pain start to subside and it wasn't that bad anymore, Thank God!
i drove from my aunt's house to Taman Perling... well i have to admit that i wasn't a good driver though.... hahaha... especially when it comes to making turns... i tend to overshot, both left and right... hahahaa.... and handling the sterring wheel is also a problem to me... hahaa... Although the instructor corrected me many times, but i don't seem to get the hang of it... hahaha
3 hours later, i was allowed to go home, finally i thought... hahaha..mipo
Mummy hasn't came back from work... i felt so so so tired and the heat dissipating to every part of my body... i lay on the floor, hoping to cool myself, but, suddenly, i felt so cold.... plus the gastric pain made me feel worse.... I must have caught a viral bug unfortunately...
I went to take a nap.... mipo Mom came back....mipo I told her my encounters of the whole day..... plus the sick part.... mipo
i haven't had lunch and i don't intend to... that's why, i threw up during dinner....mipo i felt so bad.... 2nd aunty fried my favourite fish but i just threw them out... heehee... mipo
in a nutshell, today wasn't so good, but still i felt grateful.... as those who know me know that i like to be sick hahahaha mipo...sounds irony rite? mipo hahaha
Woke up quite early this morning... because daddy's going to send me to my aunt's house before he goes for his Honda car servicing appointment. After breakfast, i suddenly had a stomach upset and therefore, i rushed to the toilet.... OMG! I had diarrhoea and followed by and intense gastric pain.... That time i was thinking, how will i make it today whereby i had quite a packed schedule..... So, i prayed, hoping that i will not make another visit to the toilet....
My gastric pain did not get any better..... and i felt so terrible....but i tried to hide my so called sufferings from my aunts... and i made it... hahaha not one of them noticed that i had been acting strangely.... hahaha.. i was so relieved....
However, things did not get better... An hour before violin class, i had to visit the toilet again... i was worried that i will sufer from electrolyte imbalance, resulting in muscle cramps.....
i got ready for violin class... Ms Chin came earlier... and she brought her violin too.... haha This is going to be interesting i thought... hahaha luckily, i made it through... except for the very last few minutes of the class... haha
After that, i waited for the driving instructor to pick me up... haha.. he came late... as i expected..
Slowly, my gastric pain start to subside and it wasn't that bad anymore, Thank God!
i drove from my aunt's house to Taman Perling... well i have to admit that i wasn't a good driver though.... hahaha... especially when it comes to making turns... i tend to overshot, both left and right... hahahaa.... and handling the sterring wheel is also a problem to me... hahaa... Although the instructor corrected me many times, but i don't seem to get the hang of it... hahaha
3 hours later, i was allowed to go home, finally i thought... hahaha..mipo
Mummy hasn't came back from work... i felt so so so tired and the heat dissipating to every part of my body... i lay on the floor, hoping to cool myself, but, suddenly, i felt so cold.... plus the gastric pain made me feel worse.... I must have caught a viral bug unfortunately...
I went to take a nap.... mipo Mom came back....mipo I told her my encounters of the whole day..... plus the sick part.... mipo
i haven't had lunch and i don't intend to... that's why, i threw up during dinner....mipo i felt so bad.... 2nd aunty fried my favourite fish but i just threw them out... heehee... mipo
in a nutshell, today wasn't so good, but still i felt grateful.... as those who know me know that i like to be sick hahahaha mipo...sounds irony rite? mipo hahaha
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Happy Chinese new year!!!
Today's the 7th day of the chinese new year already... time flies....before i could realise, tomorrow's another schooling day for those who are going back to school.. hahahahah
After church service, mum brought me and my sis to plaza pelangi... it was still quite early and most of the shops were still close... so we walked around and look see look see while we waited for Popular Bookshop to open.....
Went to popular to look for a movie i had longed to watch--Winx Club-The Secret of The Lost Kingdom.... But to no avail... I wonder why our cinemas here did not show this movie? Why? boohoo hoo... and now, there is no DVD.... i guess i will have to watch it on YouTube then....hahaha
After that, i started searching for books.....i mean storybooks and novels... i looked high and low for those classic literature, without noticing that they were just in front of me.... hahaha so i practically search the whole bookstore for them.....hahaha... Finally, i bought 2 books....Bleak House and Little Dorrit, both written by Charles Dickens...
Bought a DVD from a stall outside POPULAR.... 10 promises to my dog.... The story was so touching..... i cried while watching it especially the part when the dog, named Socks died.... booohoohoo! I couldn't bear to watch or see doggies during their last moments...especially my beloved dogs....(miaomiao,Johor,Siangsiang).....boohoohoo.....
Played the violin for more than an hour... and found that i hadn't done a good job practising.....sounds like 'killing chicken'---'tai kue' they call it... hahaha
Well, i guess that's the end of my CNY celebrations... collected angpows, ate plenty of cookies and other heaty stuffs.....ended up having a humongous pimple/ probably an abscess on my right eyelid... hahaha.. for 2 days i can't open my right eye properly....hahahaha..But thank god.... it became smaller today and doesn't hurt that much... haha
that's it for this post...God Bless
After church service, mum brought me and my sis to plaza pelangi... it was still quite early and most of the shops were still close... so we walked around and look see look see while we waited for Popular Bookshop to open.....
Went to popular to look for a movie i had longed to watch--Winx Club-The Secret of The Lost Kingdom.... But to no avail... I wonder why our cinemas here did not show this movie? Why? boohoo hoo... and now, there is no DVD.... i guess i will have to watch it on YouTube then....hahaha
After that, i started searching for books.....i mean storybooks and novels... i looked high and low for those classic literature, without noticing that they were just in front of me.... hahaha so i practically search the whole bookstore for them.....hahaha... Finally, i bought 2 books....Bleak House and Little Dorrit, both written by Charles Dickens...
Bought a DVD from a stall outside POPULAR.... 10 promises to my dog.... The story was so touching..... i cried while watching it especially the part when the dog, named Socks died.... booohoohoo! I couldn't bear to watch or see doggies during their last moments...especially my beloved dogs....(miaomiao,Johor,Siangsiang).....boohoohoo.....
Played the violin for more than an hour... and found that i hadn't done a good job practising.....sounds like 'killing chicken'---'tai kue' they call it... hahaha
Well, i guess that's the end of my CNY celebrations... collected angpows, ate plenty of cookies and other heaty stuffs.....ended up having a humongous pimple/ probably an abscess on my right eyelid... hahaha.. for 2 days i can't open my right eye properly....hahahaha..But thank god.... it became smaller today and doesn't hurt that much... haha
that's it for this post...God Bless
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