Sunday, September 6, 2009

i did it!!

hi there... strange?? although it isn't sunday or friday today, i'm onlining... haha... that's because i wasn't satisfied that i couldn't upload my ''hardwork'' up here for my family members and friends to see, you see...

it's a video concerning Malaysia independence day, and it should only be 1 minute long... it wasn't an easy task shooting the video, as usual, everybody were shy shy.... you know lah... and the editing wasn't as easy as i thought..... the program kept ''hang-ing'' and i had to keep restarting it... and then some times when i had done a lot, and forget to save, it '' hang-ed'' again.. phew....!!!

i spent the whole thursday night doing this, with only 2 hours of sleep before i go for my classes on Friday... luckily, i wasn't fishing in class on friday morning,... haha

another 10 more days... and i'm going back home to JB!!!!

ahha, we have a public holiday this monday... yay... woke up later than usual... later than i planned to.. but i still managed to wash my clothes before meeting my study group members... we were supposed to discuss maths that day, and i'm the faci....haha....

i went out again last saturday, bought a lot of things... saw a lot of mouth watering mooncakes too... but the unusual thing is that, there's no lavender or seasons here.... they have da thong... and many unfamilliar brands that i don't usually see in JB....

exams are drawing nearer... MUET especially... i'm worried about my speaking.... i don't want to be the first candidate to start the whole thing... remember that time we had a mock speaking test during english class... and as expected, i was candidate A.. and had the honour to voice my opinions first... i got soooooo nervous that i could not even say anything.... and that was in front of our english teacher and another 2 more practicum mates.... it's not the examiner or what... imagine if i were to be in front of the examiner.... haiz...... have to be more prepared i think.... i was too ''lengang'' already... haven't prepared to face any exams....haiz....

oklah, i think thats all for this post...have to continue with my maths tutorial.... haha...

bye and take care