tomorow, i'm going back to kelantan again... preparing for the whole new routine again-- morning: wake up, bathe, grab 2 packets of Lexus biscuits, sling on my bag, put on my shoes and then head to lecture hall, which is quite a long way from my hostel, and third floor of the building... by the time i reach the lecture hall and walked to my usual favourite spot which is the fifth row, i'm nearly breathless... huff huff huff!!!!
lecture starts at 8.30am, sometimes 10.30am.. after lecture, normally not later than 1pm, i'll go for lunch, normally at murni... afternoon usually we have demo and discussion or practicals, maybe they realise that if they have lectures in the afternoon, most of us would be 'fishing' then..
the rest of the day would be notes and me and sometimes-- junk food!!! haha...
well, if medicine is your choice of course, that's how your life is... it's hard in the begining... but once you get use to it, it won't be too difficult la... study only ma, most important is that you enjoy the process.. :)
going back to kelantan tommorow... haiz what i'm afraid to face is that room of my, i wonder how the spiders are doing in there... hopefully i don't have too much webs to clean tommorow... haiz :( i really don't like those spiders ...
this year, again, i'm celebrating christmas faraway from home... last year was in penang, this year in kelantan... i had my share of the turkey already, i got the giant drumstick too... satisfied!! :)
will be spending most of my time in KLIA-LCCT tomorrow... because airasia's flight from JB to Kl was rescheduled to 8.25am.. it was actually 12pm, so, i'm going to spend a lot of time in KL... airport. haha nevertheless, i'm already prepared for the 'wait'.. 'wink'
that's all for this time... goodbye JB, will come back soon for CNY!!! woohoo!! Merry Christmas and God Bless ><